Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 9 – September 13, 2017 #TripReport (Guadalupe Island)


What can we ask for a better adventure in the Pacific ocean than facing the apex predator? Not much, if we consider the good weather, great company and the best action in the cages for our 9th trip of the Guadalupe season.

This time we had a good variety of sharks coming during the 3 days of cage diving, even since the first moment when we arrive to the island looked that the sharks missed us cause as as soon as we were unloading the cages two sharks were coming around us to welcome the Solmar V. Once we had the cages in place the waiting wasn't too long so the divers hop into the suits and got into the cages to enjoy what they have been waiting for a long time, to have face to face this great specimen.

On the first day we got between 5 to 6 different sharks including some inexperienced juveniles of about 2 and a half meters and a couple of big ones trying to reach the bait at the end of the rope giving the spectacle that the customers were expecting.
On the second day, we got up early to set up the chump so the sharks didn't wait to long to get their breakfast first thing in the morning but we had to wait a couple of hours for this, but when they arrived the action didn't stop. A big female of about 4 meters kept coming toward the lines and coming close to the cages so the divers could get the best shots. This girl had company of about 3 different males around that were quite scared of her due the size of it and never got closer to the bait when she was in the area. At some point we had the quick visit of a well known shark, "Mau" came straight to the chump and surprised our wrangler cutting the rope and getting his meal on a fast breach. During the day the big female kept breaching on and on giving the great show to the divers.
The last day started a little slow due a slight temperature change, there was a thermoclime that kept the divers in the deep areas but not long enough so the sharks started to reach the ends of the ropes to get the bait, a reduce number this time but good quality on breaching and speed coming from one wrangler to the other.

So as usual, as happen in this magnificent island the action is on at the middle of the season and we are waiting for the big girls to come over in the next trips.

Rodrigo Marroquín, dive instructor.

Trip Conditions:

68 F / 20 C

75 feet / 25 mts

In scale 1 to 5

Seas: 1

Current: 2

To Guadalupe: 3

To Ensenada: 2

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