Hi folks!
Today was our first full dive day from our last trip of the season. We got back to San Benedicto last night and spend a nice and smooth night on the south side of the island. Early in the morning once the sun swas up, we moved to El Boiler hoping to find some mantas at the cleaning station and our friendly dolphins that always come and visit the pinnacle during the mornings. The water is warming up, 76F/25C at the surface with and 74F/23C at depth, and visibility of 60´/20m. Two dolphins were chasing the bigeye jacks until these poor fishes throw up and the dolphin gets the prize! The Dolphins took off and suddenly one of the most friendly Mantas that is a member of this Revillagigedo´s population and has been hanging out at Socorro island for the last 3-4 months showed up, it was good to have a friendly face back at El Boiler! We all had the incredible chance to give to this manta a "bubble bath" which she enjoyed immensely.
On the second dive our friendly manta was gone, but a different one stopped by, but this one didn´t seem to be interested in our bubbles, so as soons as she got clean swam away and dissapear in the blue.
We spend the rest of the day watching the white reef sharks trying to mate And I like to mention that John McIntyre our BBC guest is in our trip this time and I guess he is a lucky guy, this manta was getting cleaning by the clarion angelfishes right in front of his camera. Jonh is putting a show together for the Fast Track TV series, so hopefully he will get more amazing shots during the trip, tonight we´ll go to Roca Partida.
Stay tuned and wait for our Roca News!
Hasta la vista!
Erick Higuera

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