On the second dive we saw a group of seven or eight silver tip sharks, and again the school of Bonita but now on the north side of the rock, where tunas, sharks and wahoos were chasing them, it was spectacular to see the tunas hunting the little fish. We saw sharks everywhere on this dive.
For the last dive of the day two mantas were around the rock and six white tip reef sharks were very active, one of them hunted a fish and the rest of them started to follow him maybe to take his part of the catch. The best part of the dive was when we saw a juvenile whale shark, he was very friendly because he passed by just a few inches from Armando, one of the divers onboard the Solmar V! Today was the first time some of our guests have seen a whaleskark, so we can say we had an excellent day of diving onboard the Solamr V!
Tomorrow we will dive again in Roca Partida! But tonight we are enjoying to see a lot of silky sharks swimming around the boat hunting the fish attracted by the lights of the boat, we counted more than twenty at once!
Pablo DM onboard

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