We spent another day at San Benedicto diving in El Canon!
We spent another day at San Benedicto diving in El Canon, because the windy conditions didn't allow us to move to Socorro Island. We decided to stay here one more day because this dive site is more protected from the wind, and it allowed everyone to dive off the back of the Solmar V. We had good diving conditions, water temperature 77F, visibility more than 60ft/18m and soft current coming from northwest. We opened the pool at 7:30 am with the first divers ready to jump in the water, as soon as they started to go down the dolphins showed up and stayed around the people for a few. Mantas were around also and some hammerhead sharks. The second immersion we still had some dolphins around, a little school of 8 to 10 hammerhead sharks and a big school of jack fishes. On the reef close to the boat, four mantas were hanging out for a long time, they were very friendly swimming towards us chasing our bubbles. The third dive after lunch we had some more manta action, silver tip, silky and hammerhead sharks. For the last dive of the day for those who jumped in, the prize was a school of around 30 hammerhead sharks and one black manta! As you can read today was another fantastic day of scuba diving in Revillagigedo onboard the Solmar V. Now we are heading to Socorro Island expecting to have less wind and waves so we can have some more good dives!
DM onboard
Solmar V

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