Dive Report April 29, 2014
Today Thursday was our second day at Socorro Island. We dove in “Cabo Pearce” again because of the weather conditions in the area and the good diving we had the day before. The water was nice today too, the visibility over 40ft/12m and the temperature 78ºF/26ºC. Only on the fourth dive did we experienced strong current, on the first three we had the chance to move around the reef.
It was an amazing day of diving because we saw two and some times three mantas at the cleaning stations getting pampered by the Clarion angel fish. In one moment more than 30 fishes approached to the manta to clean her, it was something really nice to see.
In one of the immersions, some divers swam out in to the blue and they had an encounter with friendly dolphins, more than ten dolphins were there. The best part was when one female dolphin stayed with the divers and they had the chance to rub her belly! She was there for long time so the dive master took pictures of the people petting her.
On our last dive, we had more mantas, dolphins, Galapagos and white tip sharks were around for us, but not only big animals; we saw also octopuses, lobsters, flounders and lots of colorful fishes that made us all happy and glad to be in Revillagigedo Archipelago! Today we had another fantastic day of diving onboard the Solmar V, and now we are heading to “Roca Partida” after a delicious dinner made by our world famous chef Tony…
Pablo DM onboard
Solmar V

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